Explore Majestic Alaska

Alaska! Explore Majestic Alaska! My husband Mike and I would love to visit Alaska. My sister said, “Donna, why do you want to go to Alaska? I don’t know. Maybe for the scenery and wildlife. It just sounds so back to nature and beautiful. So much to see and do.

Explore Majestic Alaska, Our Ultimate Dream to an Unforgettable Adventure

Alaska, we would love to start on a fantastic journey. Indeed, to the rugged wilderness of Alaska. A land of awesome landscapes. Not to mention abundant wildlife. Of course, when planning our adventure. We would have to decide the best way to get there. Cruise or fly, each offers a unique experience. So we would have to look at both. Just to help make the best decision. Then, decide where to stay. Someplace with heat AND a fireplace! Keep in mind, we are um kinda old.

Going to the northernmost state of the U.S. Whether by cruise or flight, promises an unforgettable experience. However, the cruise offers a leisurely approach. And we certainly do love cruises. And it would allow us to enjoy the journey. What’s more, with stops at beautiful ports on the way. On the other hand, flying offers a quicker route. We would have more time to visit there.

Timing Our Visit: Best Seasons for an Alaskan Adventure

Alaska’s beauty changes with the seasons. Giving us different landscapes and wildlife encounters. Determining the best time to visit depends on how cold it is. We live down south so just saying the word cold makes us sneeze.

Aurora Borealis (northern lights) in southeast Alaska seen in late summer

Summer is the peak season, with long daylight hours and a bunch of outdoor activities. However, in the fall. We could witness nature’s dazzling display. Where the foliage changes into a variety of reds and golds. Plus it would not be freezing yet. Winter brings charm and cold weather. With opportunities to witness the beautiful Northern Lights dance across the sky. Very cold though! Brrrr

Spectacular Scenery and Wildlife Encounters to Explore in Alaska

Alaska has an array of breathtaking scenery. From towering mountains to majestic glaciers. As we travel through this pristine wilderness. We certainly want to keep our eyes peeled for its notorious inhabitants. Such as moose, bears, and wolves. And much more.

Breathtaking landscapes also await at every turn. With high mountains, sprawling forests, and shining glaciers. We would love to see grizzly bears, moose, and bald eagles. And definitely humpback whales. We do love animals of all kinds. Don’t like cold weather though. The splendor of the Last Frontier would enchant us or freeze us. However, I think it would certainly enchant us.

Wild coastal brown bear catching fish in the river in Katmai National Park (Alaska).

Exploring Alaska: Embarking on a Journey of a Lifetime

Whether we choose to cruise or fly. Indeed, Alaska would be an unforgettable adventure. It would be filled with breathtaking scenery. Not to mention lots of wildlife. And beautiful natural wonders. We would have to plan our trip wisely though. And of course. We are in a partnership with an amazing company. Offering travel for less. Check out our Travel pages!

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